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From Palestine

1 Season 15 Episodes

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15 Episodes

STG Tourist Sites – Part 1 Religious Tourism

Season 1 Episode 1 16m

Palestine is at the forefront of the world's historical and tourist attractions, with religious tourism holding a significant position in global rankings. This is due to it being the final resting place of many prophets and messengers. It is the first Qibla for Muslims, the site of the Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the birth and burial place of the Prophet Issa, peace be upon him. Additionally, it is home to many historical mosques and churches, shrines, and places of worship.

STG Tourist Sites - Historical Archaeological Tourism – Part 1

Season 1 Episode 2 14m

The lands of Palestine have been enriched over hundreds of years with the remnants of civilizations, and its cities and villages are filled with the remains of past civilizations. Each village or city has a share of this important historical heritage, evident in theaters, columns, inscriptions, high walls, and the stones that built palaces, created ancient markets, and adorned the courtyards of theaters and their tiers. Since the Canaanites settled in this land as the oldest people to inhabit it, Palestine's land continues to be rich in the treasures of civilizations. The archaeological remnants and evidence narrate a long and intertwined history of this land.

STG Writers, Poets, and Authors

Season 1 Episode 3 15m

Palestine, known to many through the writings of its authors and the poems of its poets, has formed its image in our souls and beings through the accumulation of descriptive and world-building words, astonishing poems, and verses that have allowed us to form a deep and everlasting bond with it. Those who penned those words are united by the memories of childhood and dreams of youth, sorrow and joy, the homeland and exile. They became the symbols and voices of their homeland and remained national icons in literature, poetry, and novels even after their departure.

STG Agriculture

Season 1 Episode 4 16m

Palestine stretches across diverse terrains, including plains, mountains, meadows, and valleys, with a climate and soil that have allowed for a variety of crops to flourish. This land, and all that can be found upon it encompasses traces of the lives of its people that have accumulated since they were Canaanites. They inherited it and passed it down, building homes and civilizations upon it, cultivating its fertile soil with thyme and rosemary, olives, oranges, and lemons hanging like colorful lights above the trees.

STG Sports

Season 1 Episode 5 15m

Palestine and its sports are intertwined in an ancient story filled with many challenges, but it is also full of achievements, excellence, and a unique presence. Palestine and its sports are intertwined in an ancient story filled with many challenges, but it is also full of achievements, excellence, and a unique presence. Sports in this nation appear to be an outlet for young people and adolescents to escape the pressures and burdens of life, which are compounded and restricted by the presence of the occupying forces. Palestinian athletes have managed to achieve top rankings and have won many gold, silver, and bronze medals in various individual and team competitions outside the borders of Palestine.

STG Topography and Nature

Season 1 Episode 6 15m

In Palestine, all types of natural landscapes converge in one geographical area – a sea, plains, beaches, mountains, valleys, plateaus, hills, meadows, deserts, and springs. This unique combination and interplay of geographical features have shaped a comprehensive ecosystem in Palestine, creating a diverse and distinct climate that allows for hundreds of plant and animal species to flourish and prosper.

STG Industries

Season 1 Episode 7 16m

Palestine once experienced a period of economic growth before the Nakba, during which the country embraced many globally recognized industries. Major cities like Jerusalem, Jaffa, and Nablus were centers of this growth, surpassing many neighboring countries in the number of industrial facilities and workers. Despite the difficulties and challenges facing the Palestinian industry today, and considering the constraints and blockade imposed by the occupation, its products have managed to find outlets in major global markets.

STG Tourist Sites – Historical and Archeological Tourism Part 2

Season 1 Episode 8 16m

On the outskirts of the deep blue seas and atop the hills sloping down to its shores, the ancient heritage of Palestine comes to life—a history that speaks, a present that sings, and landmarks that lead us to the first tale. The geographical distribution of all these archaeological sites today provides a rich environment for tourists, explorers, and researchers to narrate more stories of civilizations deeply rooted in this land.

STG Traditional Crafts and Industries

Season 1 Episode 9 16m

Traditional industries and crafts occupy a significant place in many Palestinian cities, reflecting a historical continuum and often an inherited legacy. These industries are based on the principle of transforming the raw materials that are abundant in the country into artisanal products with a distinct heritage and deep historical significance. For centuries, crafts and handmade industries have shaped part of Palestine's intellectual and material heritage. They have been and continue to be the bridges connecting the country's present to its past, reflecting its identity, authenticity, and the melding of its people with it.

STG Palestinian Cuisine

Season 1 Episode 10 16m

Palestinian cuisine is one of the most important and oldest global cuisines, especially in the Levant region. Diverse and unique flavors and dishes, not necessarily similar, come together in appetizing tastes and distinctiveness. This diversity is attributed primarily to the rich nature of the land and its various environments, as well as the succession and accumulation of civilizations that have passed through its lands, each of which contributed to the culture and collective heritage of the population.

STG The Customs and Rituals of Ramadan

Season 1 Episode 11 15m

The holy month of Ramadan is one of the most important of these occasions, as it brings together, over thirty blessed days, most of the components of Palestinian culture and the principles of Islamic religion. This includes food, clothing, religious rituals, ethical values, as well as many expressions of joy and happiness. Palestinians in various cities and villages experience and perform the rituals of the holy month of Ramadan. The streets and homes are adorned with colorful crescents, bright strings of lights, and large lanterns that grace the ancient alleys.

STG Art and Drama Productions

Season 1 Episode 12 13m

The cause Palestine is fighting for has continuously inspired writers, authors, and creatives to craft the most beautiful texts, artworks, and stories about its cities and villages, the displacement of its people and the theft of their belongings, the suffering and injustices of its people, their heroism, and sacrifices, all of which take place every morning with the rising sun. Despite difficult circumstances linked to the financial and marketing capabilities of production companies, many of these works are still recognized for their historical documentation which has been enriched with the evidence of events, personalities, and figures from various stages of the Palestinian cause.

STG Refugee Camps

Season 1 Episode 13 16m

Since the Nakba in 1948, Palestinians have been living a recurring tragedy. Approximately seventy-five percent of the Palestinian population was uprooted and displaced from their land and roots, with many forced to leave their cities and villages in search of temporary new settlements. A life restricted to tents was the fate of these people during that period. They created makeshift communities under harsh conditions while waiting for better circumstances. Over time, these tents turned into camps after their residents spent a lifetime waiting.

STG Mosques

Season 1 Episode 14 16m

The mosques of Palestine, are among the most important mosques in the world, with their construction starting immediately after the Islamic conquest during the reign of Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Over time, stones and plaster were used in the construction of the mosque's walls, courtyards, and columns. With time the number of mosques present in the country would increase, and during the Umayyad Caliphate, there would be a wave of diversity in their structural appearance.

STG Eid al Fitr

Season 1 Episode 15 12m

The mosques of Palestine, are among the most important mosques in the world, with their construction starting immediately after the Islamic conquest during the reign of Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Over time, stones and plaster were used in the construction of the mosque's walls, courtyards, and columns. With time the number of mosques present in the country would increase, and during the Umayyad Caliphate, there would be a wave of diversity in their structural appearance.